Russia HS Code

HS Tariff Code of Discs Tapes Solid State in Russia is 8523

Find updated HS tariff code of discs tapes solid state non volatile storage devices smart cards and other media for sound or of other phenomena recorded or unrecorded including matrices and master disc for disc manufacturing other in Russia is 8523.

HS Code Product Description
  8523Discs, tapes, solid-state non-volatile storage devices, "smart cards" and other media for sound or of other phenomena, recorded or unrecorded, including matrices and master disc for disc manufacturing, other than products
      852321Magnetic media, a card containing a magnetic strip
             8523210000Magnetic media, a card containing a magnetic strip
      852329Other magnetic media
          85232915Magnetic tapes; magnetic disks, unrecorded
             8523291501Other unrecorded magnetic tape of a width not exceeding 4 mm, in the cassette
             8523291502Other unrecorded magnetic tape of a width not exceeding 4 mm, in rolls
             8523291503Other unrecorded magnetic tape of a width not exceeding 4 mm, other
             8523291504Other unrecorded magnetic tape of a width exceeding 4 mm but not more than 6.5 mm
             8523291505Other magnetic blank tape width more than 6.5 mm, the cassette
             8523291506Other unrecorded magnetic tape of a width not exceeding 100 mm rolls
             8523291507Other magnetic blank tape width more than 100 mm rolls
             8523291508Other blank tape magnetic and other
             8523291509Magnetic disks, unrecorded
          85232931Magnetic tapes; magnetic discs for playback events other than sound or image
             8523293101Other magnetic tape for playback events other than sound or image
             8523293102Other magnetic tape for playback events other than sound or image from burning data files or commands that are used in computers
             8523293109Other magnetic tape for playback events other than sounds or images, other
          85232933Tape magnet., wheels magnit.dlya vospr.komand, data, sounds and images recorded in the availability of a machine-readable binary form, and kotor.mozhno manipulated or which are provided to the cr-interactive
             8523293301Magnetic tape in a cassette, a width not exceeding 4 mm vosproizv.komand, data, sound and image, zapis.v available for mashi.chteniya binary form, and kot.mozhno keying ....
             8523293302Magnetic tapes in rolls of a width not exceeding 4 mm for vosproizv.komand, data, sound and images, available for zapis.v mashi.chteniya binary form, and kot.mozhno keying ....
             8523293303Other magnetic tape, a width not exceeding 4 mm vosproizv.komand, data, sound and image, zapis.v available for mashi.chteniya binary form, and kot.mozhno keying ....
             8523293304Magnetic tapes of a width exceeding 4 mm but not more than 6.5 mm for vosproizv.komand, data, sound and image, zapis.v available for mashi.chteniya binary form, and kot.mozhno keying ....
             8523293305Magnetic tape in a cassette, a width greater than 6.5 mm for vosproizv.komand, data, sound and image, zapis.v available for mashi.chteniya binary form, and kot.mozhno keying ....
             8523293306Magnetic tapes in rolls of a width exceeding 6.5 mm for vosproizv.komand, data, sound and image, zapis.v available for mashi.chteniya binary form, and kot.mozhno keying ....
             8523293307Magnetic tapes away, of a width exceeding 6.5 mm for vosproizv.komand, data, sound and image, zapis.v available for mashi.chteniya binary form, and kot.mozhno keying ....
             8523293308Magnetic discs for playback instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in the availability of a machine-readable binary form, and which can be manipulated ...
          85232939Other magnetic tape; magnetic disks
             8523293901Other magnetic tape in the cassette, of a width not exceeding 4 mm
             8523293902Other magnetic tape in rolls, a width not exceeding 4 mm
             8523293903Other magnetic tape away, of a width not exceeding 4 mm
             8523293904Other magnetic tape away, of a width exceeding 4 mm but not more than 6.5 mm
             8523293905Other magnetic tape in the cassette, a width greater than 6.5 mm
             8523293906Other magnetic tape rolls, a width greater than 6.5 mm
             8523293907Miscellaneous other magnetic tape, a width greater than 6.5 mm
             8523293908Other magnetic disks
             8523299000Magnetic media, etc., etc.
      852341Optical media unrecorded
             8523411000Disks for laser reading system storage capacity for not more than 900 megabytes, except erased, unrecorded
             8523413000Disks for laser reading system storage capacity for more than 900 megabytes but not exceeding 18 gigabytes except erased, unrecorded
             8523419000Optical media unrecorded other
      852349Optical media other
             8523492500Other disks for laser reading system playback events other than sound or image
             8523493100Disks for laser reading system for audio playback only diameter not exceeding 6,5 cm
             8523493900Disks for laser reading system for audio playback only diameter greater than 6.5 cm
             8523494500Wheels other for vospr.komand, data, sound and image, zapis.v available for mash.chteniya binary form, and manipulate or kot.mozhno to which obesp.interakt.dostup user with pom.vych.mashin
             8523495100Digital versatile discs (dvd), other
             8523495900Disks for laser reading system, other
          85234991Optical media for playback other events other than sound or image
             8523499101With optical media burning data files or commands that are used in computers
             8523499109Optical media for playback events other than sounds or images, other
             8523499300Optical media for vospr.komand, data, sound and picture., zapiskh accessible to mash reading binary form and kot.mozhno manipul.ili to which is provided interakt.dostup user-bj with pom.vych.mashiny
             8523499900Optical media, other
      852351Solid nonvolatile storage
             8523511000Solid-volatile storage devices semiconductor unrecorded
          85235191Semiconductor media: solid non-volatile storage device data for playback events other than sound or image
             8523519101Solid nonvolatile storage for the playback events other than sound or images, recording data or commands that are used in computers
             8523519109Solid nonvolatile storage for the playback events other than sounds or images, other
             8523519300Solid-volatile storage device data for the reproduction of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in the availability of a machine-readable binary form, and which can shift keying
             8523519900Solid state relay-volatile data storage, semiconductor., other
      852352Semiconductor media "smart card"
             8523521000Semiconductor media, "smart cards": with two or more electronic integrated circuits
          85235290Semiconductor media, "smart cards", other
             8523529001Semiconductor media, "smart cards": cards and tags with the application of the special label, whose action is based on an approximate
             8523529009Semiconductor media, "smart cards": other
      852359Semiconductor other carriers
             8523591000Semiconductor media, unrecorded
          85235991Semiconductor carriers and other for playback events, otlichnyhot sound or image
             8523599101Semiconductor carriers for playback events other than sound or images, recording data or commands that are used in computers
             8523599109Semiconductor carriers for playback events other than sounds or images, other
             8523599300Semiconductor media for playback instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in the availability of a machine-readable binary form, and which can be manipulated ...
             8523599900Semiconductor carriers and other
      852380Other unrecorded semiconductor media
             8523801000Other media for sound and or of other phenomena, unrecorded
          85238091Other recorded media for sound or of other phenomena, including matrices and master disc for disc manufacturing, excluding products of chapter 37: vospr.yavleny for other than sound or image
             8523809101Other carriers for recording and sound or other events for vosproizvedeniyayavleny other than sound or images, recording data or commands that are used in computers
             8523809109Other carriers for recording and sound or other events for vosproizvedeniyayavleny other than sounds or images, other
             8523809300Other media for playback instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in the availability of a machine-readable binary form, and which can be manipulated ...
             8523809900Other media for sound and or other events and other

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