Russia HS Code

HS Tariff Code of Fruits Nuts And Other in Russia is 2008

Find updated HS tariff code of fruits nuts and other combined plant parts prepared or preserved by any other way containing or not containing sugar additives or other substances or alcohol not otherwisched or included in Russia is 2008.

HS Code Product Description
  2008Fruits, nuts and other combined plant parts, prepared or preserved by any other way containing or not containing sugar additives or other substances, or alcohol, not otherwisched or included
      200811Peanuts prepared or preserved by another way
             2008111000Peanut butter
             2008119100Peanut oil more than 1 kg
             2008119600Fire-fighting peanuts, in primary packages a net-mass not more than 1 kg
             2008119800Other peanuts, in primary packages a net massa is not more than 1 kg
      200819Other nuts and seeds, including mixtures prepared or preserved by any other way
             2008191100Tropical nuts; mixtures containing 50 mac.% or more tropical nuts and tropical fruits, in primary packages with a net mass of more than 1 kg
             2008191200Tropical nuts; mixtures containing 50 mac.% or more tropical nuts in primary packagings of net masses more than 1 kg: 
             2008191300Fireed mendal and pistachi, in primary packages of net-masses more than 1 kg
             2008191900Other nuts and seeds, including mixtures, in primary packages of net-masses of more than 1 kg
             2008199100Other tropical nuts;mixtures containing 50 macos or more thropic roughs and tropical fruits.
             2008199101Other tropical nuts;mixtures containing 50 mac% or more tropical footwear and tropical fruit, fired tropical nuts
             2008199109Other tropical nuts;other mixtures containing 50 macos or more thropic roughs and tropical fruits.
          20081992Tropical nuts; mixtures containing 50 mac.% or more tropical nuts:
             2008199201Fire-fighting tropical nuts in primary packages with a net-mass not more than 1 kg
             2008199209Other, tropical nuts;mixtures containing 50 mac.% or more tropical nuts, in primary packages of net-masses of more than 1 kg
             2008199300Other almonds and pistachi fire, in primary packages a net-mass not more than 1 kg
             2008199500Other firewood nuts, in primary packages a net-mass not more than 1 kg
             2008199900Other nuts, peanuts and other seeds, mixed or not mixed between them in primary packages of net-mass not more than 1 kg
      200820Pine panoramic prepared or preserved by another way
             2008201100Pineappers containing alcohol additives, with sugar content more than 17 mac. %, in primary packages of net-mass more than 1 kg
             2008201900Other panels containing alcohol additives, in primary packages with a net mass of more than 1 kg
             2008203100Pineaples containing alcohol additives, with sugar content more than 19% mac. %, in primary packages of net-masses, not more than 1 kg
             2008203900Other panels containing alcohol additives, in primary packages with a net-mass not more than 1 kg
             2008205100Pineappes not containing alcohol additives containing sugar additives, in primary packages of net-mass, more than 1 kg, with sugar containing more than 17 mac. %
             2008205900Other panels not containing alcohol additives containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net mass of more than 1 kg
             2008207100Pineapples not alcohol containing additives containing sugar more 19 wt.%, comprising fines of sugars, primary packaging net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008207900Other pineapple, without alcohol supplements containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008209000Other pineapple, without alcohol and sugar addition
      200830Citrus prepared or preserved otherwise
             2008301100Citrus containing alcohol additives, sugar with over 9 wt.%, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%
             2008301900Citrus containing alcohol additives, it contained sugar with over 9 mss.%, alcohol concentration alia
             2008303100Citrus other content containing sugar alcohol additives, with an actual alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 11.85 mac.%
             2008303900Other citrus fruit containing alcoholic supplements
             2008305100Slices of grapefruit, without alcohol supplements containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg
             2008305500Mandarin (including tangerine and satsuma), clementines, vilkingi and other anogichnye citrus hybrids, not containing an alcoholic supplements containing added sugar, in the primary. incase. net-mac. over 1 kg
             2008305900Other citrus fruit without alcohol supplements containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg
             2008307100Slices of grapefruit, without alcohol supplements containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008307500Mandarin (tangerines and including satsuma), clementines, vilkingi and similar citrus hybrids containing the additives sugar, in the primary packaging net weight of not more than 1 kg, sod. alcohol. additions
             2008307900Other citrus fruit without alcohol supplements containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008309000Other citrus fruit, not containing sugar alcohol and supplements
             2008309001Other citrus fruit without added sugar: 
             2008309009In immediate packings of a net weight of 4.5 kg or more
      200840Other citrus fruit, not containing sugar alcohol and supplements, in immediate packings weighing less than 4.5 kg
          20084011Pear prepared or preserved otherwise
             2008401100Pears sugar with more than 13 mas.% containing alcohol additives with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%, in the primary packaging net weight exceeding 1 kg
             2008401900Pears sugar with more than 13 mas.% containing alcohol additives, with other alcohol concentration in the primary package net weight of over 1 kg
             2008402100Pears with other sugar content containing alcohol additives, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%, in the primary packaging net weight exceeding 1 kg
             2008402900Pears with other sugar content, containing an alcoholic additives with other alcohol concentration in the primary package net weight of over 1 kg
             2008403100Pears containing alcohol additives, with sugar most 15 wt.%, in the primary packaging net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008403900Pears containing alcohol additives, with other sugar content in the primary package net weight of 1 kg
             2008405100Pears alcohol containing additives additive containing sugar, in the primary packaging net weight exceeding 1 kg, sugar with more than 13 mas.%
             2008405900Pears alcohol containing additives additive containing sugar, in the primary packaging net weight exceeding 1 kg, with other sugar content
             2008407100Pears alcohol containing additives additive containing sugar, in the primary packaging content not more than 1 kg, with sugar most 15 wt.%
             2008407900Pears alcohol containing additives additive containing sugar, in the primary packaging content not more than 1 kg, with other sugar content
             2008409000Pear without alcohol and sugar addition
      200850Pear without alcohol and sugar addition
          20085011Prepared or preserved apricots otherwise
             2008501100Apricot with sugar content of more than 13 mac.% containing alcohol additives, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%, in the primary packaging net weight exceeding 1 kg
             2008501900Apricot with sugar content of more than 13 mac.% containing alcohol additives, with other alcohol concentration in the primary package net weight of over 1 kg
             2008503100Apricot with other content containing sugar alcohol additives, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%, in the primary packaging net weight exceeding 1 kg
             2008503900Apricot with other content containing sugar alcohol additives, with other alcohol concentration in the primary package net weight of over 1 kg
             2008505100Apricot with sugar content of at most 15 wt.%, containing an alcoholic additives, primary packaging net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008505900Other apricots containing an alcoholic additives, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008506100Apricots alcohol containing additives additive containing sugar, in the primary packaging net weight exceeding 1 kg, sugar with more than 13 mas.%
             2008506900Apricots, without alcohol supplements containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg, other
             2008507100Apricots not containing an alcoholic additives containing additives sugars, primary packaging net weight of 1 kg, with sugar most 15 wt.%
             2008507900Other apricots containing an alcoholic supplements containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008509200Apricots, not containing alcoholic additives which are not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net weight of 5 kg or more
             2008509400Apricots, without added spirit, not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net weight of 4.5 kg or more but less than 5 kg
             2008509800Apricots, without added spirit, containing added sugar, less than 5 kg, in immediate packings of a net content
             2008509900Apricots alcohol containing additives additive containing sugar not, in primary packages net weight of less than 4.5 kg
      200860Apricots alcohol containing additives additive containing sugar not, in primary packages net weight of less than 4.5 kg
          20086011Cherries, prepared or preserved otherwise
             2008601100Cherries with sugar content exceeding 9 mac.%, containing an alcoholic additives, with an actual alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 11.85 mac.%
             2008601900Other cherries sugar with over 9 wt.%, containing an alcoholic additives
             2008603100Cherries sugar content of less than 9 mac.%, containing an alcoholic additives, with an actual alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 11.85 mac.%
             2008603900Cherries on the other content containing sugar alcohol additives, with other alcohol concentration
             2008605000Cherries not containing added spirit; containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg
             2008605001Cherries not containing added spirit; containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg
             2008605009Cherries not containing added spirit; additives containing sugar, in the primary packaging net content exceeding 1 kg sour cherry (prunus cerasus)
          20086060Cherries not containing added spirit; containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg, other
             2008606000Cherries not containing added spirit; containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008606001Cherries not containing added spirit; containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008606009Cherries not containing added spirit; containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg: sour cherry (prunus cerasus)
          20086070Cherries not containing added spirit; containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg, other
             2008607000Cherries not containing added spirit; containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net weight of 4.5 kg or more
             2008609000Cherries not containing added spirit; containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net weight of less than 4.5kg
      200870Cherries not containing added spirit; containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net weight of less than 4.5kg
          20087011Peaches, including nectarines prepared or otherwise konservirovannnye
             2008701100Peaches containing alcohol additives, sugar with more than 13 mas.%, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%, in the primary packaging net weight exceeding 1 kg
             2008701900Other peaches containing alcohol additives, sugar with more than 13 mas.%, in the primary packaging net weight exceeding 1 kg
             2008703100Other peaches containing alcohol additives, with other sugar content, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%, in the primary packaging net weight exceeding 1 kg
             2008703900Other peaches containing alcohol additives, with other sugar content in the primary package net weight of 1 kg, with other alcohol concentration
             2008705100Peaches containing alcohol additives, in the primary packaging net weight of 1 kg, with sugar most 15 wt.%
             2008705900Other peaches containing alcohol additives, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008706100Peaches not alcohol containing additives additive containing sugar, in the primary packaging net weight exceeding 1 kg, sugar with more than 13 mas.%
             2008706900Other peaches without alcohol supplements containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg
             2008707100Peaches not alcohol containing additives additive sodarzhaschie sugars, primary packaging content not more than 1 kg, with sugar most 15 wt.%
             2008707900Other peaches without alcohol supplements containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008709200Peaches, not containing alcoholic additives which are not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net weight of 5 kg or more
             2008709800Peaches, not containing alcoholic additives which are not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net weight of less than 5 kg
             2008709801Peaches, not containing alcoholic additives which are not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net weight of less than 5 kg
             2008709809Peaches, not containing alcoholic additives which are not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net weight of less than 5 kg 4.5 kg or more
      200880Peaches, not containing additives alcoholic without additives sugars, primary packaging net content less than 5 kg: less than 4.5 kg
          20088011Strawberries (strawberries) prepared or preserved otherwise
             2008801100Strawberries (strawberry) sugar with over 9 wt.% containing alcohol additives, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%
             2008801900Strawberries (strawberry) sugar with over 9 wt.% containing alcohol additives, with other alcohol concentration
             2008803100Strawberries (strawberry) other containing alcohol additives, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%
             2008803900Strawberries (strawberry) containing an alcoholic other additives with alcohol concentrations
             2008805000Strawberries (strawberry), not containing additives alcohol containing additives sugars, primary packaging net weight of over 1 kg
             2008807000Strawberries (strawberry), not containing additives alcohol containing additives sugars, primary packaging net weight of 1 kg
             2008809000Strawberries (strawberries), not containing added spirit, not containing added sugar
      200891Strawberries (strawberries), not containing added spirit, not containing added sugar
             2008910000Palm hearts, prepared or preserved otherwise, including, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit
      200893Palm hearts, prepared or preserved otherwise, including, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit
          20089311Cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon, vaccinium oxycoccos, vaccinium vitis-idaea) prepared or preserved
             2008931100Cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon, vaccinium oxycoccos, vaccinium vitis-idaea), containing an alcoholic additives, the sugar content of more than 9 mss.%, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%
             2008931900Other cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon, vaccinium oxycoccos, vaccinium vitis-idaea), containing an alcoholic additives, the sugar content of more than 9 mss.%
             2008932100Cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon, vaccinium oxycoccos, vaccinium vitis-idaea), containing an alcoholic additives, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%
             2008932900Other cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon, vaccinium oxycoccos, vaccinium vitis-idaea), containing an alcoholic additives
             2008939100Cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon, vaccinium oxycoccos, vaccinium vitis-idaea), not containing additives alcohol containing additives sugars, primary packaging net weight of over 1 kg
             2008939300Cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon, vaccinium oxycoccos, vaccinium vitis-idaea), not containing additives alcohol containing additives sugars, primary packaging net weight of 1 kg
             2008939900Cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon, vaccinium oxycoccos, vaccinium vitis-idaea), do not contain alcohol additives, not containing added sugar
      200897Cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon, vaccinium oxycoccos, vaccinium vitis-idaea), do not contain alcohol additives, not containing added sugar
          20089703Mix fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved
             2008970300Mixture tropical nut and tropical fruits containing 50 wt. % or more of tropical nuts, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg
             2008970500Mixture tropical nut and tropical fruit, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008971200Mixture from tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 wt.% or more, containing an alcoholic additives, the sugar content of more than 9 mss.%, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%
             2008971400Other mixture from tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 wt.% or more is contained. alcohol additives, with contains. sugar over 9 mss.%, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%
             2008971600Mixture of tropich. fruit (including mixtures contains. 50 wt.% or more tropich. nut and tropich. fruit) contains. alcohol. app., c 9 contains sugar more mss.%, c actual. conc. no more alcohol 11.85 mac.%
             2008971800Other mixtures containing alcohol additives, sugar with over 9 wt.%
             2008973200Mixture from tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 wt.% or more tropical nut and tropical fruits), with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%
             2008973400Other mixture, with an actual alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 11.85 mac.%
             2008973600Mixture with actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%, of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 wt.% or more tropical nut and tropical fruit)
             2008973800Other mixture containing alcohol additives
             2008975100Mixtures of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 wt.% or more tropical nut and tropical fruits) containing additives sugars, primary packaging net weight of over 1 kg
             2008975900Other mixture containing added spirit, containing additives of sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg
             2008977200Mixture of fruit, in which the proportion of each component does not exceed 50 mac.% of the mass, from the tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 wt.% or more of tropical nut and tropical fruit)
             2008977400Other mixture of fruit, in which the proportion of each component does not exceed 50 mac.% of the entire mass
             2008977600Mixtures of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 wt.% or more tropical nut and tropical fruits), not alcohol containing additives the primary package net weight exceeding 1 kg
             2008977800Other mixture, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included:
             2008979200Mixtures of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 wt.% or more tropical nut and tropical fruits), not containing additives sugars, primary packaging net weight of 5 kg or more.
             2008979300Other mixture containing no added sugar, in immediate packings of a net weight of 5 kg or more
             2008979400Mixture from tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 wt.% or more tropical nut and tropical fruit) mass 4.5 kg or more, but less than 5 kg
             2008979600Other mixture weight 4.5 kg or more, but less than 5 kg
             2008979700Mixtures of tropical fruit (including mixtures containing 50 wt.% or more tropical nut and tropical fruits), weighing less than 4.5 kg
             2008979800Other mixtures, weighing less than 4.5 kg
      200899Other mixtures, weighing less than 4.5 kg
          20089911Other fruit, nuts and edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, except classified under subheading 2008 19
             2008991100Ginger, containing alcohol additives, with an actual alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 11.85 mac.%
             2008991900Other ginger, containing alcohol additives
             2008992100Grape containing alcohol additives, sugar with more than 13 mas.%
             2008992300Other grapes with alcohol additives
             2008992400. other tropical fruit sugar content exceeding 9% by weight; with faktich.kontsentratsiey no more alcohol 11.85% by weight
             2008992800Other fruit, nuts or otherwise. edible parts of plants, containing an alcoholic additives, the sugar content of more than 9 mss.%, with the actual alcohol concentration maximum mac 11.85.%
             2008993100. other tropical fruit sugar content exceeding 9% by weight; with faktich.kontsentratsiey alcohol of more than 11.85% by weight
             2008993400Other fruit, nuts or otherwise. edible parts of plants, containing an alcoholic additives containing sugar more than 9% by weight. with other alcohol concentration
             2008993600Other tropical fruit containing alcohol additives, with an actual alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 11.85 mac.% with the rest of the sugar content
             2008993700Other fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants containing alcohol additives, with an actual alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 11.85 mac.%, with the rest of the sugar content
             2008993800Other tropical fruit containing alcohol additives, with other alcohol concentration, with other sugar content
             2008994000Other fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants containing alcohol additives, with other alcohol concentration, with the rest of the sugar content
             2008994100Ginger, not containing added spirit, containing additives of sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg
             2008994300Grapes, not containing added spirit, containing additives of sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg
             2008994500Plum (genus species prunus), not containing additives alcohol containing additives sugars, primary packaging net weight of over 1 kg
             2008994800Tropical fruits in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg, not containing an alcoholic supplements containing added sugar
             2008994900Other fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants. without alcohol supplements containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg
             2008995100Ginger, not containing added spirit, containing additives of sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008996300Tropical fruits contain additives of sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008996701Other, including mixtures other than mixtures of subheading 2008 19
             2008996702Grapes, not containing added spirit, containing additives of sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008996708Plum prunus species, not containing added spirit, containing additives of sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
          20089972Other fruits and other edible parts of plants containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 1 kg
             2008997200Plum (prunus species of the genus), without added spirit, not containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net weight of 5 kg or more
             2008997800Plum (genus species prunus), not containing additives alcohol without additives sugars, primary packaging net content less than 5 kg
             2008998500Maize, other than sugar corn (zea mays var. saccharata), not containing added spirit, not containing added sugar
             2008999100Yams, sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes) and similar parts of the plant are used in the food containing 5 wt.% or more of starch, without added spirit, not containing added sugar
             2008999800Other fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved otherwise, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included
             2008999900Other fruit, nuts or otherwise. edible parts of plants, without added spirit, not containing added sugar

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