Russia HS Code

HS Tariff Code of Lathes Including Multi in Russia is 8458

Find updated HS tariff code of lathes including multi lathes metal in Russia is 8458.

HS Code Product Description
  8458Lathes (including multi lathes) metal
      845811Lathes metal, horizontal: numerically controlled
             8458112000Horizontal turning turning centers with cnc
             8458112001Horizontal turning turning centers with cnc for aerospace industry <16>
             8458112009Horizontal turning turning centers with cnc, other
          84581141Horizontal metal single-spindle automatic lathes with cnc
             8458114101Horizon. metal-spindle automatic lathes with cnc high-speed drive (6000 rev / min or more, but not bolee8000 / min), for the aviation industry <5>
             8458114109Horizontal metal-spindle automatic lathe with numbers m other program controlled
             8458114900Horizontal turning atomate metal multi-spindle numerically controlled
             8458114901Horizontal turning atomate metal multi-spindle numerically controlled raketno_kosmicheskoy for industry <16>
             8458114909Horizontal turning atomate metal multi-spindle numerically controlled, other
             8458118000Other metal horizontal lathes with cnc
      845819Lathes (including multi lathes) metal horizontally :, other
             8458190000Lathes (including multi lathes) metal horizontally :, other
      845891Other lathes with cnc
          84589120Machines turning centers with cnc
             8458912001Multi lathes numerically controlled:. high (co cutting speed 100 m / min or more) lathes for aircraft industry <5>
             8458912002Other machine tools turning centers with cnc for aerospace industry <16>
             8458912008Other machine tools turning centers with cnc, other
             8458912009Machines turning centers with cnc other
          84589180Other lathes with cnc
             8458918001Other lathes numerically controlled: lathes (co cutting speed 100 m / min or more), for the aviation industry <5>
             8458918009Other lathes cnc other
      845899Other lathes
             8458990001Lathes other things, metal cutting, aviation industry <5>
             8458990009Other lathes

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