Russia HS Code

HS Tariff Code of Whey Condensed Or Non in Russia is 0404

Find updated HS tariff code of whey condensed or non condensed with or without added sugar or other sweeteners products consisting of natural milk constituents whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter other in Russia is 0404.

HS Code Product Description
  0404Whey, condensed or non-condensed, with or without added sugar or other sweeteners; products consisting of natural milk constituents, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, other places
      040410Whey, a modified whey, condensed or non-condensed, with or without added sugar or other sweetening matter
             0404100200Molochn.syvorotka or vidoizmenen.molochn.syvorotka, in powder, granules or dr.tverd.formah without dobavlen.sahara dr.podslasch.vesch-or b, c soderzh.belka (nitrogen x 6.38) of 15%, fat is not more than 1.5%
             0404100400Moloch.syvorotka or vidomzmen. molochn.syvorotka, in powder, granules or c dr.tverd.formah without dobavlen.sahara dr.podslasch.vesch-or b, c soderzh.belka (h6,38 nitrogen) maximum 15mas.% fat by weight of 1, 5 to 27%
             0404100600And molochn.syvorotka vidoizmen.molochn.syvorotka, powder, granules or dr.tverd.formah without dobavlen.sahara dr.podslasch.vesch-or b, c soderzh.belka (nitrogen h6,38) at most 15 wt.% and c is found. fat over 27%
          04041012Whey and vidoizm.mol.syv-svs added sugar or other sweeteners, with a protein content (nitrogen content x 6.38): most 15 wt% and a fat content not exceeding 1.5 wt.%.
             0404101201Mol.syvor. and vidoizm.mol.syvor. in powder, gran.ili dr.tverd.formah without dob.sahara dr.podsl.vesch or., with sod.zhira <= 1.5 wt.%, c sod..belka (soderzh.azota x 6.38)> 79 wt.% of por., ukaz.v dop.prim.1 ts
             0404101209And molochn.syvorotka vidoizmen.molochn.syvorotka, powder, granules or dr.tverd.formah without dobavlen.sahara dr.podslasch.vesch-or b, c soderzh.belka (nitrogen h6,38) at most 15 wt.% and c is found. fat, other
             0404101400Mol. serum in powder, granules or dr.tverdyh form without dobavl.sahara with contains. protein (contents. nitrogen x 6.38) 15% more and fat more than 1.5% but not more than 27 mass.%
          04041016Whey and vidoizm.mol.syv-svs added sugar or other sweeteners, with a protein content (nitrogen content 6.38 x): ​​15 wt% more and fat over 27 wt.%.
             0404101601Mol.syvor.v powders, granules or dr.tverdyh form without dobavl.sahara c sod. fat 27> mac.% c :, soderzh.belka (soderzh.azota x 6.38)> 79 wt.%, por / ukaz.v dop.prim.1 tam.soyuza
             0404101609Mol.syvor.v powders, granules or dr.tverdyh form without dobavl.sahara c sod. fat> 27 mac.% other
             0404102600Other whey powder, granules or other solid forms, with a protein content (nitrogen content 6.38 x) no more than 15% and a fat content not exceeding 1.5%
             0404102800Other whey powder, granules or other solid forms, having a protein content of 15% and fat more than 1.5% but not more than 27%
             0404103200Other whey powder, granules or other solid forms, with a protein content of 15% fat and more than 27%
             0404103400Other whey powder, granules or other solid forms, without added sugar, having a protein content greater than 15% fat and not more than 1.5%
             0404103600Other whey powder, granules or other solid forms, without adding sugar, having a protein content higher than 15% and fat more than 1.5% but not more than 27%
             0404103800Other whey powder, granules or other solid forms, without added sugar, having a protein content greater than 15% fat and more than 27%
             0404104800Other whey without added sugar with a protein content of 15% neboli and fat not more than 1.5%
             0404105200Whey in the other packagings, without adding sugar protein and containing less than 15% more and fat 1.5% but not more than 27%
             0404105400Whey other packing, without added sugar or with a protein content of 15% fat and more than 27%
             0404105600Whey in the other packagings, without adding sugar and fat 15% and more c fat content not exceeding 1.5%
             0404105800Whey in the other packagings without added sugar with a protein content higher than 15% and fat more than 1.5% but not more than 27%
             0404106200Whey in the other packaging, without adding sugar, having a protein content higher than 15% fat and more than 27%
             0404107200Other whey protein content at most 15 wt.% and a fat content not exceeding 1.5 wt.%
             0404107400Other whey without added sugar with a protein content of 15 wt neboli.% and c is found. more fat 1.5 wt.% but not more than 27 mass.%
             0404107600Other whey without added sugar with a protein content of 15 wt neboli.% fat and more than 27%
             0404107800Other whey without added sugar with a protein content higher than 15% fat and not more than 1.5 wt.%
             0404108200Other whey without added sugar with a protein content higher than 15% and fat more than 1.5% but not more than 27%
             0404108400Other whey without added sugar with a protein content higher than 15% fat and more 27%
      040490Other dairy products with or without added sugar or other sweetening matter
             0404902100Other products of natural milk constituents, not containing added sugar or sweeteners droege, with fat content not exceeding 1.5%
             0404902300Other products of natural milk constituents, not containing added sugar or sweeteners droege, fat 1.5%, but not more than 27 mass.%
             0404902900Out of natural milk constituents, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fat over 27 mass.%
             0404908100Other products from natural milk constituents, fat content not exceeding 1.5 wt.%
             0404908300Other products of natural milk constituents, fat over 1.5 mass.%, but not more than 27 mass.%
             0404908900Other products from naturalnyhh milk constituents, .bez dobavvleniya sugar or other sweetening matter, fat, by weight more than 27%

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