Russia HS Code

HS Tariff Code of Meat And Edible Offal in Russia is 0207

Find updated HS tariff code of meat and edible offal of the poultry heading 0105 fresh chilled or frozen in Russia is 0207.

HS Code Product Description
  0207Meat and edible offal, of the poultry heading 0105, fresh, chilled or frozen
      020711Body not chickens into pieces, fresh or chilled
          02071110Meat and edible offal poultry nipped and no gut, with head and feet, presented as "83% -s 'chicken'
             0207111001Nipped and no gut, with head and feet, represented as 83% -s' chickens, with respect to which the tariff quota, under a license issued by the authorities
             0207111009And without any other nip gut, with head and feet submitted as 83% cis chickens
          02071130Chicken meat of domestic do not cut into pieces, fresh or chilled plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, heart liver and gizzards, presented as 70% -s' chickens
             0207113001Oschip.i eviscerated., without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, predst.kak "70% -tsyplyata" not parts, fresh or ohlazhd.pri nalich.litsenzii, outstanding comp .organami
             0207113009Other plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, presented as "70% -tsyplyata" not cut into pieces, fresh or chilled
          02071190Chicken meat of domestic do not cut into pieces, fresh or chilled plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, heart liver and gizzards, presented as 65% -th tseplyata
             0207119001Oschip.i ponv., without head and plus feet, without extension neck, heart, liver, and gizzard, predstavl.kak "65% -s 'chickens' ... not parts, fresh or refrigerated., in the presence of litsen.vydan.komp.organami
             0207119009Prpochie plucked and gutted, without head and feet and without plus the cervix, heart, liver, and gizzard, presented as "65% -s 'chickens' ... do not cut into pieces, fresh or chilled
      020712Body not chickens into pieces, frozen
          02071210Poultry, not cut into pieces, frozen, plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, presented as 70% -th tseplyata
             0207121001Oschip.i ponv, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, predst.kak "70% -s 'chicken' are not separated in pieces, frozen, in the presence of liezen., vydan.komp.organami
             0207121009Other plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and muscle zhelodkom, presented as "70% -s 'chicken', not into pieces, frozen
          02071290Poultry, not cut into pieces, frozen, plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet, cervix, heart, liver and gizzard, represented as 65% -s' chickens
             0207129001Oschip.i ponv., without head and feet and without plus the cervix, heart, liver and gizzard, representat. as "65% chickens -wide" or predstavl.v k-l dr.razdelke, if liezen., vydan.komp.organami
             0207129009Other plucked and gutted, without head and feet and without plus the cervix, heart, liver and gizzard, presented as "65% -s 'chicken', or submitted to any other cutting
      020713Part carcass and offal chickens, fresh or chilled
          02071310Meat boneless
             0207131001Boneless parts carcases domestic, fresh or chilled with a license issued by the authorities
             0207131009Boneless other parts of domestic carcases, fresh or chilled
          02071320Halves or quarters
             0207132001Halves or quarters carcass chickens species gallus domesticus, bone, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207132009Other half of quarter or carcass chickens species gallus domesticus, bone, fresh or chilled
          02071330Wings are integers, with a pointed or without
             0207133001The whole wing with a pointed or without chickens species gallus omesticus, bone, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207133009Other whole wing with a pointed or without chickens species gallus omesticus, bone, fresh or chilled
          02071340Back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings
             0207134001Back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, fresh or chilled, bone-in domestic chickens species gallus domesticus in nalich.litsen., vydan.komp.organami
             0207134009Other back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, fresh or chilled, bone-in domestic chickens species gallus domesticus
          02071350Breast and pieces of them
             0207135001Breast and pieces of them, fresh or chilled, bone-in domestic chickens species gallus domesticuspri availability of licenses issued by the authorities
             0207135009Other breast and pieces of them, fresh or chilled, bone-in domestic chickens species gallus domesticus
          02071360Legs and pieces of them
             0207136001Legs and pieces of them, fresh or chilled, bone-in domestic chickens species gallus domesticuspri availability of licenses issued by the authorities
             0207136009Other legs and pieces of them, fresh or chilled, bone-in domestic chickens species gallus domesticus
          02071370Other meat boneless
             0207137001Bone of carcass, fresh or chilled, chickens species gallus domesticus under a license issued by the authorities
             0207137009Other bone of carcass, fresh or chilled, chickens species gallus domesticus
          02071391Part carcasses and offal, fresh or chilled, biscuits
             0207139101Biscuits, fresh or chilled, chickens species gallus domesticus under a license issued by the authorities
             0207139109Other biscuits, fresh or chilled, chickens species gallus domesticus
             0207139901Other offal, fresh or chilled, chickens species gallus domesticus under a license issued by the authorities
             0207139909Other offal, fresh or chilled, chickens species gallus domesticus
      020714Part carcass and offal chickens, frozen
          02071410Meat boneless
             0207141001Part carcass, boneless, frozen, chickens species gallus domesticus under a license issued by the authorities
             0207141009Other parts of carcass, boneless, frozen, chickens species gallus domesticus
          02071420Part carcass and offal, frozen halves or quarters
             0207142001Bone halves or quarters, frozen chickens species gallus domesticus under a license issued by the authorities
             0207142009Other bone half or quarters, frozen chickens species gallus domesticus
          02071430Meat boneless wings integers, with a pointed or without
             0207143001The whole wing, with a pointed or without bone-frozen, chickens species gallus domesticus under a license issued by the authorities
             0207143009Other whole wing, with a pointed or without bone-frozen, chickens species gallus domesticus
          02071440Meat boneless back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings
             0207144001Back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, bone, frozen chickens species gallus domesticus under a license issued by the authorities
             0207144009Other back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, bone, frozen chickens species gallus domesticus
          02071450Meat boneless breast and pieces of them
             0207145001Breast and pieces of them, bone, frozen chickens species gallus domesticuspri availability of licenses issued by the authorities
             0207145009Other breast and pieces of them, bone, frozen chickens species gallus domesticus
          02071460Leg bone and pieces of them
             0207146001Legs and pieces of them, bone, frozen chickens species gallus domesticus under a license issued by the authorities
             0207146009Other legs and pieces of them, bone, frozen chickens species gallus domesticus
          02071470Other bone
             0207147001Other bone of carcass, ice cream, home hens of the species gallus domesticus under a license issued by the authorities
             0207147009Other bone of carcass, ice cream, home hens of the species gallus domesticus
          02071491Offal liver
             0207149101Cookies, ice cream, chickens species gallus domesticus under a license issued by the authorities
             0207149109Other cookies, ice cream, chickens species gallus domesticus
             0207149901Other offal, ice cream, chickens species gallus domesticus under a license issued by the authorities
             0207149909Other offal, ice cream, chickens species gallus domesticus
      020724Body not turkeys into pieces, fresh or chilled
          02072410Not turkey meat into pieces, fresh or chilled plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, presented as 80% -s'
             0207241001Oschip.i eviscerated., without head and plus feet but with the neck, heart, liver and musk. stomach predstavl.kak 80% -s' turkey is not part of, fresh or ohlazhd.pri nalich.litsen., vydan.komp.organami
             0207241009Other plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, heart m, liver and gizzard, is represented as a 80% -s' turkey not into pieces, fresh or chilled
          02072490Not turkey meat into pieces, fresh or chilled, plucked and gutted, without head and plus legs, no cervix, heart and gizzards, presented as 73% -s'
             0207249001Oschip.i eviscerated., without head and plus legs, no cervix, heart, liver and musk.zheludka, predstavl.kak 73% -s' turkey not of fresh or ohlazhd.pri nalich.litsen., vydan.komp. bodies
             0207249009Other plucked and gutted, without head and plus legs, no cervix, heart, liver and gizzard, is represented as a 73% -s' turkey not into pieces, fresh or chilled
      020725Body not turkeys into pieces, frozen
          02072510Not turkey meat into pieces, frozen, plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, presented as 80% -s'
             0207251001Oschip.i eviscerated., without head and plus feet but with the neck, heart, liver and musk.zheludkom, predstavl.kak 80% -s' turkey not parts morozh.pri nalich.litsen., vydan.komp. bodies
             0207251009Other plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, presented as 80% -s' turkeys do not cut into pieces, frozen
          02072590Other meat of turkeys not cut into pieces, frozen, plucked and gutted, without head and plus legs, no neck serdtsapecheni and gizzards, presented as 73% -s'
             0207259001Oschip.i eviscerated., without head and plus legs, no cervix, heart, liver and musk.zheludka, predstavl.kak "73% cis turkey" ... not parts morozh.pri availability of licenses issued by the competent bodies
             0207259009Other plucked and gutted, without head and plus legs, no cervix, heart, liver and gizzard, presented as "73% cis turkey" ... do not cut into pieces, frozen
      020726Part carcass turkeys and offal, fresh or chilled
          02072610Part carcass meat boneless
             0207261001Part boneless turkey carcases, fresh or chilled with a license issued by the authorities
             0207261009Other parts boneless turkey carcases, fresh or chilled
          02072620Meat bone halves or quarters
             0207262001Bone halves or quarters turkey, carcass of fresh or olazhdennye under a license issued by the authorities
             0207262009Bone other half of quarter or turkey, of carcases fresh or olazhdennye
          02072630Bone wings integers, with a pointed or without
             0207263001Turkey wings intact, thin late or without bone chasi carcass fresh or chilled with a license issued by the authorities
             0207263009Other turkey wings intact, thin late or without bone chasi carcass fresh or chilled
          02072640Wings are integers, with a pointed or without back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings
             0207264001Back, neck, back with neck, tail and wing tips thin bone turkey fresh or chilled with a license issued by the authorities
             0207264009Other back, neck, back with neck, tail and wing tips thin bone turkey fresh or chilled
          02072650Bone breast and pieces of them
             0207265001Turkey breast and pussy of them, bone-in, fresh or chilled with a license issued by the authorities
             0207265009Other turkey breast and pussy of them, bone-in, fresh or chilled
          02072660Leg bone and pieces of them
             0207266001Shin turkeys and pieces of them, bone-in, fresh or chilled with a license issued by the authorities
             0207266009Other leg turkeys and pieces of them, bone-in, fresh or chilled
          02072670Feet and other pieces of them
             0207267001Turkey legs and their other pieces from bone, fresh or chilled with a license issued by the authorities
             0207267009Turkey legs and their other pieces from bone, fresh or chilled
          02072680Other bone
             0207268001Other parts of bone carcases, fresh or chilled with a license issued by the authorities
             0207268009Other parts of bone carcases, fresh or chilled
          02072691Offal liver
             0207269101Turkey livers, fresh or chilled with a license issued by the authorities
             0207269109Turkey livers, fresh or chilled other
             0207269901Other offal turkeys, fresh or frozen under a license issued by the authorities
             0207269909Other offal turkeys, fresh or frozen
      020727Part carcass turkeys and offal, frozen
          02072710Part carcasses and offal, frozen meat boneless
             0207271001Boneless turkeys of carcass, frozen under a license issued by the authorities
             0207271009Boneless turkeys of carcass, ice cream other
          02072720Meat boneless half or quarters
             0207272001Halves or quarters of turkeys, bone, frozen under a license issued by the authorities
             0207272009Halves or quarters of turkeys, bone, ice cream other
          02072730Bone wings integers, with a pointed or without
             0207273001The whole wing of turkeys, with a pointed and without it, bone, frozen under a license issued by the authorities
             0207273009The whole wing of turkeys, with a pointed and without it, bone, ice cream other
          02072740Bone back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings
             0207274001Back, neck, back with neck, tail and wing tips of turkeys thin bone ice cream with a license issued by the authorities
             0207274009Back, neck, back with neck, tail and wing tips of turkeys thin bone ice cream other
          02072750Bone breast and pieces of them
             0207275001Breast turkeys and pieces of them, bone, frozen under a license issued by the authorities
             0207275009Breast turkeys and pieces of them, bone, ice cream other
          02072760Other legs and pieces from their legs and pieces from them
             0207276001Shin turkeys and pieces of them, bone, frozen under a license issued by the authorities
             0207276009Shin turkeys and pieces of them, bone, ice cream other
          02072770Feet and other pieces of them
             0207277001Feet and other pieces of them, bone, ice cream, turkey with a license issued by the authorities
             0207277009Feet and other pieces of them, bone, frozen, of turkeys
          02072780Other bone
             0207278001Other, ice cream, bone of carcass turkeys under a license issued by the authorities
             0207278009Other, ice cream, bone of carcass turkeys
          02072791Offal liver
             0207279101Liver from frozen turkeys under license issued by the authorities
             0207279109Liver from frozen turkeys other
             0207279901From other offal turkeys, frozen under a license issued by the authorities
             0207279909From other offal turkeys, frozen
      020741Meat and edible offal of ducks not cut into pieces, fresh or chilled
          02074120Meat and edible offal of ducks plucked, bled, without intestines, but not gutted, with head and feet that was presented as a "85% -s 'duck' are not separated in pieces, fresh or chilled
             0207412001Duck plucked, bled, without intestines, but not gutted, with head and feet that was presented as a "85% -s 'duck' are not separated in pieces, fresh or chilled
             0207412009Other duck plucked, bled, without intestines, but not gutted, with head and feet that was presented as a "85% -s 'duck' are not separated in pieces, fresh or chilled
          02074130Duck meat, plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, presented as "70% -s 'duck' are not separated in pieces, fresh or chilled
             0207413001Duck plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, presented as "70% -s' duck, not cut into pieces, fresh or chilled
             0207413009Duck other nipped and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, presented as "70% -s' duck, not cut into pieces, fresh or chilled
          02074180Duck meat, plucked and gutted, without head and plus legs, no cervix, heart, liver and gizzard, pre-nnye as "63% -s 'duck' dr.razdelke or not cut into pieces, fresh or cooled
             0207418001Duck plucked and gutted, without head and plus legs, no cervix, heart, liver and gizzard, presented as "63% -s' duck", will introduce or any other cutting, fresh or chilled
             0207418009Duck other nipped and gutted, without head and plus legs, no cervix, heart, liver and gizzard, is presented. as "63% -s' duck", will introduce or any other cutting, fresh or ohl
      020742Meat and edible offal of ducks not divided into parts, frozen
          02074230Duck meat, plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, presented as "70% -s 'duck' are not separated into parts, frozen
             0207423001Duck plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, presented as "70% -s 'duck' are not separated into parts, frozen
             0207423009Duck other nipped and gutted, without head and plus feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, presented as "70% -s 'duck' are not separated into parts, frozen
          02074280Duck meat, plucked and gutted, without head and plus legs, no cervix, heart, liver and gizzard, presented as "63% -s 'duck' or dr cutting, not cut into pieces, frozen
             0207428001Duck plucked and gutted, without head and plus legs, no cervix, heart, liver and gizzard, presented as "63% -s 'duck' or submitted to any other cutting, frozen
             0207428009Duck other nipped and gutted, without head and plus legs, no cervix, heart, liver and gizzard, presented as "63% -s 'duck', or represented. in any other cutting, frozen
      020743Duck offal: fatty liver, fresh or chilled
          02074300Duck offal: fatty liver, fresh or chilled
             0207430001Duck fatty livers, fresh or chilled
             0207430009Duck fatty livers, fresh or chilled, other
      020744Meat and edible offal other ducks, fresh or chilled
          02074410Duck meat, part carcass: boneless, fresh or chilled
             0207441001Meat boneless duck: other, fresh or chilled
             0207441009Other meat boneless duck: fresh or chilled
          02074421Duck meat, part carcass: half or quarters, bone, fresh or chilled
             0207442101Meat of carcass boneless duck: fresh or chilled
             0207442109Other parts of carcass boneless duck: fresh or chilled: other
          02074431Duck meat, part carcass: wings of integers, with a pointed or not, bone, fresh or chilled
             0207443101Wings duck integers, with a pointed or not, fresh or chilled
             0207443109Wings duck integers, with a pointed or not, fresh or chilled, other
          02074441Duck meat, part carcass: back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, bone, fresh or chilled
             0207444101Back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings ducks, fresh or chilled
             0207444109Back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings ducks, fresh or chilled, other
          02074451Duck meat, part carcass: breast and pieces of them, bone, fresh or chilled
             0207445101Duck breast and pieces of them :, fresh or chilled
             0207445109Duck breast and pieces of them :, fresh or chilled: other
          02074461Duck meat, part carcass: legs and pieces of them, fresh or chilled
             0207446101Duck leg and pieces of them, fresh or chilled
             0207446109Duck leg and pieces of them, fresh or chilled, other
          02074471Duck meat, part carcass: paletoty, fresh or chilled
             0207447101Paletoty, fresh or chilled
             0207447109Paletoty, other, fresh or chilled
          02074481Other meat ducks, part carcass: fresh or chilled
             0207448101Carcass of duck and other bone
             0207448109Carcass of duck and other bone and other
          02074491Other offal: liver, other than fat, fresh or chilled
             0207449101Poultry liver, except bold, fresh, chilled or frozen
             0207449109Other liver poultry other than bold, fresh, chilled or frozen
          02074499Other offal ducks, fresh or chilled
             0207449901Offal poultry, other, fresh, chilled or frozen
             0207449909Offal poultry, other, fresh or chilled
      020745Meat and edible offal other ducks, frozen
          02074510Other offal ducks part carcass: meat boneless, frozen
             0207451001Other parts of carcass, boneless, frozen
             0207451009Other parts of carcass, boneless, frozen and other
          02074521Other offal ducks part carcass: half or quarters, frozen
             0207452101Other parts of carcass, bone, frozen
             0207452109Other parts of carcass, bone frozen and other
          02074531Other offal ducks part carcass: wings of integers, with a pointed or not, frozen
             0207453101Wings are integers, with a pointed or without:
             0207453109Wings are integers, with a pointed or not, other
          02074541Other offal ducks part carcass: back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, frozen
             0207454101Back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, frozen
             0207454109Back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, frozen, other
          02074551Frozen bone of carcass ducks: breast and pieces of them
             0207455101Breast and pieces thereof, other, frozen
             0207455109Breast and pieces thereof, other, frozen and other
          02074561Frozen bone of carcass ducks: legs and pieces of them
             0207456101Legs and pieces thereof, other, frozen
             0207456109Legs and pieces thereof, other, frozen and other
          02074571Frozen bone of carcass ducks: paletoty
             0207457101Paletoty, other, frozen
             0207457109Paletoty, other, frozen and other
          02074581Other bone frozen carcass of ducks
             0207458101Other parts of carcases, other, frozen
             0207458109Carcass part, other, frozen
          02074593Bone frozen duck offal: fatty liver
             0207459301Other fatty liver, frozen
             0207459309Other fatty liver, other frozen
          02074595Other bone frozen duck liver
             0207459501Liver other frozen
             0207459509Liver other, frozen, other
          02074599Other parts of ducks bone frozen
             0207459901Offal, other, frozen
             0207459909Offal, other, frozen and other
      020751Meat and edible offal geese not cut into pieces, fresh or chilled
          02075110Geese plucked, bled, unskinned, with head and feet, presented as "82% cis geese" not cut into pieces, fresh or chilled
             0207511001Geese, plucked, bled, unskinned, with head and feet, presented as "82% cis geese" not cut into pieces, fresh or chilled, with license
             0207511009Other geese, not cut into pieces, fresh or chilled, plucked, bled, unskinned, with head and feet, presented as "82% cis geese"
          02075190Geese, plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet, with hearts and gizzards or without representation as a "75% cis geese", or in any other cutting, fresh or chilled
             0207519001Geese plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet, with hearts and gizzards or without representation as a "75% cis geese ', fresh or chilled, with a license, issued by the company. org.
             0207519009Geese plucked and gutted, without head and plus feet, with hearts and gizzards or without representation as a "75% cis geese" or submitted to any other cutting, fresh or cooled
      020752Meat and edible offal geese not divided into parts, frozen
          02075210Geese, plucked, bled, unskinned, with head and feet, presented as "82% cis geese" not divided into parts, frozen
             0207521001No geese into pieces, frozen, plucked, bled, unskinned, with head and feet, presented as "82% cis geese", with license
             0207521009Other geese not cut into pieces, frozen, plucked, bled, unskinned, with head and feet, presented as "82% cis geese"
          02075290Geese, plucked and gutted, without head and plus foot, c hearts and gizzards or without representation as a "75% cis geese" dr.razdelke or not cut into pieces, frozen
             0207529001Geese plucked and gutted, without head and plus foot, c hearts and gizzards or without representation as a "75% cis geese", frozen, with license
             0207529009Other geese nipped and gutted, without head and plus foot, c hearts and gizzards or without representation as a "75% cis geese" frozen
      020753Fatty liver of geese, fresh or chilled
          02075300Fatty liver of geese, fresh or chilled
             0207530001Goose fatty livers, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207530009Other fat goose liver, fresh or chilled
      020754Meat and edible offal other geese, fresh or chilled
          02075410Part goose carcases: meat boneless, fresh or chilled
             0207541001Goose carcass of boneless other, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207541009Other parts of goose carcass boneless, fresh or chilled
          02075421Part goose carcases: half or quarters, fresh or chilled
             0207542101Halves or quarters goose bone and other, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207542109Other half of quarter or goose bone ,, fresh or chilled
          02075431Part goose carcases: wings of integers, with a pointed or not, fresh or chilled
             0207543101Wings are integers, with a pointed or without goose, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207543109Other wings integers, with a pointed or without goose, fresh or chilled
          02075441Part goose carcases: back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, fresh or chilled
             0207544101Back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, goose, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207544109Other back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, goose, fresh or chilled
          02075451Part goose carcases: breast and pieces of them, fresh or chilled
             0207545101Breast and pieces of them, goose, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207545109Other breast and pieces of them, goose, fresh or chilled
          02075461Part goose carcases: legs and pieces of them, fresh or chilled
             0207546101Legs and pieces of them, goose, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207546109Other legs and pieces of them, goose, fresh or chilled
          02075471Part goose carcases: paletoty, fresh or chilled
             0207547101Paletoty goose, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207547109Other paletoty goose, fresh or chilled
          02075481Other parts of the goose carcases, fresh or chilled
             0207548101Other parts of goose carcass, bone, other, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207548109Other parts of goose carcass, bone, other, fresh or chilled
          02075491Fresh or chilled offal geese: liver, other than fat
             0207549101Goose liver, except fat, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207549109Goose liver other than fat, fresh or chilled
          02075499Fresh or chilled geese offal: other liver
             0207549901Husin offal, other, fresh or chilled, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207549909Other offal goose, other, fresh or chilled
      020755Meat and edible offal geese away, frozen
          02075510Part goose carcases: frozen meat boneless
             0207551001Meat boneless, goose, frozen, under a license issued by the authorities
             0207551009Other meat boneless goose, frozen
          02075521Part goose carcases: half or quarters, frozen
             0207552101Halves or quarters, goose, bone, frozen, under a license issued by the authorities
             0207552109Other half of quarter or, goose bone frozen
          02075531Part goose carcases: wings of integers, with a pointed or not, frozen
             0207553101Wings are integers, with a pointed or without goose, frozen, under a license issued by the authorities
             0207553109Other wings integers, with a pointed or without goose, frozen
          02075541Part goose carcases: back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, frozen
             0207554101Back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, goose, frozen, under a license issued by the authorities
             0207554109Other back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, crow, frozen
          02075551Part goose carcases: breast and pieces of them, frozen
             0207555101Breast and pieces of them, goose, frozen, under a license issued by the authorities
             0207555109Other breast and pieces of them, goose, frozen
          02075561Part goose carcases: legs and pieces of them, frozen
             0207556101Legs and pieces of them, goose, frozen, under a license issued by the authorities
             0207556109Other legs and pieces of them, goose, frozen
          02075571Part goose carcases: paletoty, frozen
             0207557101Paletoty goose, frozen, under a license issued by the authorities
             0207557109Other paletoty goose, frozen
          02075581Other parts of the goose carcases, frozen
             0207558101Other parts of the goose carcases, bone and other frozen, under a license issued by the authorities
             0207558109Other parts of the goose carcases, bone, other, frozen
          02075593Frozen offal geese: fatty liver
             0207559301Fatty liver, crow, frozen, under a license issued by the authorities
             0207559309Other fatty liver, crow, frozen
          02075595Frozen goose offal: other liver
             0207559501Other liver, crow, frozen, under a license issued by the authorities
             0207559509Other liver, crow, frozen,
          02075599Other frozen offal geese
             0207559901Other offal geese, frozen, under a license issued by the authorities
             0207559909Other offal geese, frozen
      020760Meat and edible offal of guinea fowl
          02076005Not guinea fowl into pieces, fresh, chilled or frozen
             0207600501Guinea fowls, not cut into pieces, fresh, chilled or frozen, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207600509Other guinea fowls, not cut into pieces, fresh, chilled or frozen
          02076010Guinea fowl, boneless meat, carcass parts
             0207601001Meat boneless guinea fowls, fresh, chilled or frozen, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207601009Meat boneless guinea fowls, fresh, chilled or frozen, others
          02076021Part carcass guinea fowl: half or quarters, bone
             0207602101Halves or quarters of guinea fowl, bone, fresh, chilled or frozen, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207602109Other half or quarters of guinea fowl, bone, fresh, chilled or frozen
          02076031Part carcass guinea fowl: wings of integers, with a pointed or without bone
             0207603101Wings are integers, with a pointed or without guinea fowl, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207603109Other wings integers, with a pointed or without guinea fowl
          02076041Part carcass guinea fowl: back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings, bone
             0207604101Back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings guinea fowls, fresh, chilled or frozen
             0207604109Other back, neck, back with neck, tail and thin ends of the wings guinea fowls, fresh, chilled or frozen
          02076051Part carcass guinea fowl: breast and pieces of them bone
             0207605101Breast guinea fowl and a piece of them, fresh, chilled or frozen, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207605109Other breast guinea fowl and a piece of them, fresh, chilled or frozen
          02076061Part carcass guinea fowl: legs and pieces of them, bone
             0207606101Feet guinea fowl and a piece of them, fresh, chilled or frozen, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207606109Other legs guinea fowl and a piece of them, fresh, chilled or frozen
          02076081Other parts guinea fowl carcass, bone
             0207608101Other parts of carcass guinea fowls, fresh, chilled or frozen, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207608109Other parts of carcass guinea fowls, fresh, chilled or frozen
          02076091Offal guinea fowl: cookies
             0207609101Liver guinea fowl, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207609109Other liver guinea fowl
          02076099Other offal guinea fowl
             0207609901Other offal guinea fowls, fresh, chilled or frozen, with a license issued by the authorities
             0207609909Other offal guinea fowls, fresh, chilled or frozen

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